February 12, 2025
Week 14 — The Return
This week several notable legal scholars concurred that our country is already in the midst of a constitutional crisis. Trump and his regime continued a frenzied pace of actions and orders, many of which are unconstitutional or illegal. To wit, this week’s list is full of lawsuits and appeals, and Trump and his regime have found themselves on the losing end of every single one of them!
February 05, 2025
Week 13 — The Return
This is the second week of pandemonium in the U.S., by design. The number of broken norms this week are comparable to well into year two of the first regime. Seemingly following Project 2025 as a script, Trump and his regime are moving at a breakneck pace, testing the bounds of lawlessness, and setting up a myriad of court cases that will ultimately head to the Supreme Court, likely establishing expansions to presidential powers. The importance of writing it all down in this project is more clear than ever — likely in reading this week’s broken norms, you will find you have missed a lot since you were deluged by information, and exhausted by outrage. That is by design — a tool in the toolkit for authoritarians — flood the zone, leave them feeling helpless.
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January 29, 2025
Week 12 — The Return
If reading this week’s list feels frenetic, that is because it is capturing the mood of the country. The return of Trump marks the return of his chaos and dysfunction, as if America is living in some frenzied mode awaiting the next eruption. The regime invoked the notion of “flood the zone” and “shock and awe” (we all know how that turned out last time) to describe a daily, all-out blitz of orders and actions. The goal seemed to be to destabilize and overwhelm those who might seek to oppose him. The question for Trump and his acolytes, seemingly drunk on their conceit and grandiosity, will be: have they gone too far, too fast?

February 12, 2025
Week 14 — The Return
This week several notable legal scholars concurred that our country is already in the midst of a constitutional crisis. Trump and his regime continued a frenzied pace of actions and orders, many of which are unconstitutional or illegal. To wit, this week’s list is full of lawsuits and appeals, and Trump and his regime have found themselves on the losing end of every single one of them!

February 05, 2025
Week 13 — The Return
This is the second week of pandemonium in the U.S., by design. The number of broken norms this week are comparable to well into year two of the first regime. Seemingly following Project 2025 as a script, Trump and his regime are moving at a breakneck pace, testing the bounds of lawlessness, and setting up a myriad of court cases that will ultimately head to the Supreme Court, likely establishing expansions to presidential powers. The importance of writing it all down in this project is more clear than ever — likely in reading this week’s broken norms, you will find you have missed a lot since you were deluged by information, and exhausted by outrage. That is by design — a tool in the toolkit for authoritarians — flood the zone, leave them feeling helpless.

January 29, 2025
Week 12 — The Return
If reading this week’s list feels frenetic, that is because it is capturing the mood of the country. The return of Trump marks the return of his chaos and dysfunction, as if America is living in some frenzied mode awaiting the next eruption. The regime invoked the notion of “flood the zone” and “shock and awe” (we all know how that turned out last time) to describe a daily, all-out blitz of orders and actions. The goal seemed to be to destabilize and overwhelm those who might seek to oppose him. The question for Trump and his acolytes, seemingly drunk on their conceit and grandiosity, will be: have they gone too far, too fast?
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